RAJAKLANA Resort, Villa And Spa
We build this business because we want to jump up from our previous businesses. Because setting up more and higher business is more challenging. Because the concept of resorts and villas is more natural and in accordance with our soul, who are nature lovers.
We choose stone houses and wooden houses as featured concepts, because We want to blend nature and art, built with love using the best quality materials, such as hundreds of years old wood and more than fifty kinds of stones. Considering the model of the houses in such away that it provides different option to majority of Jogjakarta joglo and modern concepts. We also want to use natural materials to build without changing the face of nature but instead beautifying nature.
We named RAJAKLANA, because we wanted to find a universal name, not contaminated by tribes, religions, and races issues, and at the same time there was a campaign of diversity in our country – Indonesia. In the campaign, one of the famous songs was Rayuan Pulau Kelapa (The Seduction of the Coconut Island) and in the song’s lyrics there is Rajaklana word mentioned, from where we decided to give the business name RAJAKLANA. Rajaklana has two meanings : First, King who is wandering, and Two, Somebody whose passion is wandering. Both meanings are great and majestic
We choose this place becaus we want to find a quiet place so that customers may blend with nature. Because they are not too many hills around Jogjakarta city, and this RAJAKLANA hill is the nearest to the heart of the city which is graced with cool air and beautiful sceneries. We hope, our resort should become a best resort in yogyakarta.
The ideas arised after surveying several places in Indonesia, such as Jakarta, Puncak, Jogjakarta, Central Java, Malang, Bali, Lombok and Raja Ampat, as well exploring the world through internet. From there we got new ideas to create resorts that are different from other places. Rajaklana was first established on January 11, 2015.
We hope we can keep this resort growing, by choosing professional, innovative and unique management so that the resort can flourish. We also creating a sense of dissatisfaction with what has been there, in the sense of always wanting to further develop with various innovations. We creating ideas to develop what is already there so that it can run and deserve to be sold. And by building harmony with surrounding environments and society.
From Managements Desk
RAJAKLANA RESORT, VILLA AND SPA is introducing green living & back to nature concept. RAJAKLANA Resort, Villa And Spa is optimistic to compete with other resorts in Yogyakarta. Unique design of thousands of stones, wood, bamboos, leaves, roots, fibers, paintings, handmade items, etc makes RAJAKLANA Resort, Villa And Spa the choice of stay which is artsy also homy, like staying in a gallery.
In addition to being a choice of family stay, as well as businessmen, a resort that make his guests like Kings & Queens is also suitable as a place to hold meetings, personal events and vacation. RAJAKLANA Resort, Villa And Spa itself is divided into RAJAKLANA Tugu Gentong and RAJAKLANA Bukit Sembung. Both has royal stone houses and old javanese wooden houses. While in RAJAKLANA Bukit Sembung there are some bamboo houses.
Carrying the idea of ”Enjoy traveling as King & Queen, RAJAKLANA Resort, Villa And Spa is equipped with various facilities for all guests who stay like airport shuttle, free breakfast, free friut basket, free mini bar in each room, souvenir & surprising gift, free traditional photo session, wifi as well as business room facilities, etc.
Other facilities, guests can interact directly with the birds and animals around the resort. Every day guests can also follow some classes based on schedule such as batik, wayang painting, yoga, dancing, cooking and pottery. Completing the idea of enjoying Traveling As King & Queen, RAJAKLANA Resort, Villa And Spa provides accommodation so that guests can do village tour and see the area of pottery at kasongan, center of woden batik Krebet and Karst Tubing Sedayu.
The facilities are certainly presented to accommodate the needs of the guests who want to have vacation by looking for tranquility and not only make the Resort Just as a place to stay .. With the facilities, guests Not only get a good night’s sleep in the comfortable rooms provided but also full of fun activities as well as an unforgettable experience. The management of RAJAKLANA Resort, Villa And Spa is deeply committed to the satisfaction of the guests, so that new innovations will continue to be developed while continuously improving the quality of services with a million existing facilities. Romy Weni - Deputy General Manager.